Entanglement entropy scaling in the bilayer Heisenberg spin system

الملخص بالإنكليزية

We examine the entanglement properties of the spin-half Heisenberg model on the two-dimensional square-lattice bilayer based on quantum Monte Carlo calculations of the second Renyi entanglement entropy. In particular, we extract the dominant area-law contribution to the bipartite entanglement entropy that shows a non-monotonous behavior upon increasing the inter-layer exchange interaction: a local maximum in the area-law coefficient is located at the quantum critical point separating the antiferromagnetically ordered region from the disordered dimer-singlet regime. Furthermore, we consider subleading logarithmic corrections to the Renyi entanglement entropy scaling. Employing different subregion shapes, we isolate the logarithmic corner term from the logarithmic contribution due to Goldstone modes that is found to be enhanced in the limit of decoupled layers. At the quantum critical point, we estimate a contribution of $0.016(1)$ due to each $90^{circ}$ corner. This corner term at the SU(2) quantum critical point deviates from the Gaussian theory value, while it compares well with recent numerical linked cluster calculations on the bilayer model.

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