Precise focus point scenario for a natural Higgs boson in the MSSM

الملخص بالإنكليزية

A small Higgs mass parameter m_{h_u}^2 can be insensitive to various trial heavy stop masses, if a universal soft squared mass is assumed for the chiral superpartners and the Higgs boson at the grand unification (GUT) scale, and a focus point (FP) of m_{h_u}^2 appears around the stop mass scale. The challenges in the FP scenario are (1) a too heavy stop mass (~ 5 TeV) needed for the 126 GeV Higgs mass and (2) the too high gluino mass bound (> 1.4 TeV). For a successful FP scenario, we consider (1) a superheavy right-hand (RH) neutrino and (2) the first and second generations of hierarchically heavier chiral superpartners. The RH neutrino can move a FP in the higher energy direction in the space of (Q, m_{h_u}^2(Q)), where Q denotes the renormalization scale. On the other hand, the hierarchically heavier chiral superpartners can lift up a FP in that space through two-loop gauge interactions. Precise focusing of m_{h_u}^2(Q) is achieved with the RH neutrino mass of ~ 10^{14} GeV together with an order one (0.9-1.2) Dirac Yukawa coupling to the Higgs boson, and the hierarchically heavy masses of 15-20 TeV for the heavier generations of superpartners, when the U(1)_R breaking soft parameters, m_{1/2} and A_0 are set to be 1 TeV at the GUT scale. Those values can naturally explain the small neutrino mass through the seesaw mechanism, and suppress the flavor violating processes in supersymmetric models.

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