Coreshine in L1506C - Evidence for a primitive big-grain component or indication for a turbulent core history?

الملخص بالإنكليزية

The recently discovered coreshine effect can aid in exploring the core properties and in probing the large grain population of the ISM. We discuss the implications of the coreshine detected from the molecular cloud core L1506C in the Taurus filament for the history of the core and the existence of a primitive ISM component of large grains becoming visible in cores. The coreshine surface brightness of L1506C is determined from IRAC Spitzer images at 3.6 micron. We perform grain growth calculations to estimate the grain size distribution in model cores similar in gas density, radius, and turbulent velocity to L1506C. Scattered light intensities at 3.6 micron are calculated for a variety of MRN and grain growth distributions to compare with the observed coreshine. For a core with the overall physical properties of L1506C, no detectable coreshine is predicted for an MRN size distribution. Extending the distribution to grain radii of about 0.65 $mu$m allows to reproduce the observed surface brightness level in scattered light. Assuming the properties of L1506C to be preserved, models for the growth of grains in cores do not yield sufficient scattered light to account for the coreshine within the lifetime of the Taurus complex. Only increasing the core density and the turbulence amplifies the scattered light intensity to a level consistent with the observed coreshine brightness. The grains could be part of primitive omni-present large grain population becoming visible in the densest part of the ISM, could grow under the turbulent dense conditions of former cores, or in L1506C itself. In the later case, L1506C must have passed through a period of larger density and stronger turbulence. This would be consistent with the surprisingly strong depletion usually attributed to high column densities, and with the large-scale outward motion of the core envelope observed today.

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