What is the Physical Origin of Strong Lya Emission? I. Demographics of Lya Emitter Structures

الملخص بالإنكليزية

We present the results of structure analyses for a large sample of 426 Lya emitters (LAEs) at z~2.2 that are observed with HST/ACS and WFC3-IR by deep extra-galactic legacy surveys. We confirm that the merger fraction and the average ellipticity of LAEs stellar component are 10-30 % and 0.4-0.6, respectively, that are comparable with previous study results. We successfully identify that some LAEs have a spatial offset between Lya and stellar-continuum emission peaks, d_Lya, by ~2.5-4 kpc beyond our statistical errors. To uncover the physical origin of strong Lya emission found in LAEs, we investigate Lya equivalent width (EW) dependences of these three structural parameters, merger fraction, d_Lya, and ellipticity of stellar distribution in the range of EW(Lya)=20-250A. Contrary to expectations, we find that merger fraction does not significantly increase with Lya EW. We reveal an anti-correlation between d_Lya and EW(Lya) by Kolmogorov-Smirnov (KS) test. There is a trend that the LAEs with a large Lya EW have a small ellipticity. This is consistent with the recent theoretical claims that Lya photons can more easily escape from face-on disks having a small ellipticity, due to less inter-stellar gas along the line of sight, although our KS test indicates that this trend is not statistically significant. Our results of Lya-EW dependence generally support the idea that an HI column density is a key quantity determining Lya emissivity.

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