Bulk topological insulators as inborn spintronics detectors

الملخص بالإنكليزية

Detection and manipulation of electrons spins are key prerequisites for spin-based electronics or spintronics. This is usually achieved by contacting ferromagnets with metals or semiconductors, in which the relaxation of spins due to spin-orbit coupling limits both the efficiency and the length scale. In topological insulator materials, on the contrary, the spin-orbit coupling is so strong that the spin direction uniquely determines the current direction, which allows us to conceive a whole new scheme for spin detection and manipulation. Nevertheless, even the most basic process, the spin injection into a topological insulator from a ferromagnet, has not yet been demonstrated. Here we report successful spin injection into the surface states of topological insulators by using a spin pumping technique. By measuring the voltage that shows up across the samples as a result of spin pumping, we demonstrate that a spin-electricity conversion effect takes place in the surface states of bulk-insulating topological insulators Bi1.5Sb0.5Te1.7Se1.3 and Sn-doped Bi2Te2Se. In this process, due to the two-dimensional nature of the surface state, there is no spin current along the perpendicular direction. Hence, the mechanism of this phenomenon is different from the inverse spin Hall effect and even predicts perfect conversion between spin and electricity at room temperature. The present results reveal a great advantage of topological insulators as inborn spintronics devices.

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