Generalized PDE estimates for KPZ equations through Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman formalism

الملخص بالإنكليزية

We study in this series of articles the Kardar-Parisi-Zhang (KPZ) equation $$ partial_t h(t,x)= uDelta h(t,x)+lambda V(| abla h(t,x)|) +sqrt{D}, eta(t,x), qquad xin{mathbb{R}}^d $$ in $dge 1$ dimensions. The forcing term $eta$ in the right-hand side is a regularized white noise. The deposition rate $V$ is assumed to be isotropic and convex. Assuming $V(0)ge 0$, one finds $V(| abla h|)ltimes | abla h|^2$ for small gradients, yielding the equation which is most commonly used in the literature. The present article, a continuation of [24], is dedicated to a generalization of the PDE estimates obtained in the previous article to the case of a deposition rate $V$ with polynomial growth of arbitrary order at infinity, for which in general the Cole-Hopf transformation does not allow any more a comparison to the heat equation. The main tool here instead is the representation of $h$ as the solution of some minimization problem through the Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman formalism. This sole representation turns out to be powerful enough to produce local or pointwise estimates in ${cal W}$-spaces of functions with locally bounded averages, as in [24], implying in particular global existence and uniqueness of solutions.

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