Charge-orbital-lattice coupling effects in the dd-excitation profile of one dimensional cuprates

الملخص بالإنكليزية

We identify dd-excitations in the quasi-one dimensional compound Ca$_2$Y$_2$Cu$_5$O$_{10}$ using resonant inelastic x-ray scattering. By tuning across the Cu L$_3$-edge, we observe abrupt shifts in the dd-peak positions as a function of incident photon energy. This observation demonstrates orbital-specific coupling of the high-energy excited states of the system to the low-energy degrees of freedom. A Franck-Condon treatment of electron-lattice coupling, consistent with other measurements in this compound, reproduces these shifts, explains the Gaussian lineshapes, and highlights charge-orbital-lattice renormalization in the high energy d-manifold.

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