DNA confined in a two-dimensional strip geometry

الملخص بالإنكليزية

Semiflexible polymers characterized by the contour length $L$ and persistent length $ell_p$ confined in a spatial region $D$ have been described as a series of ``{em spherical blobs} and ``{em deflecting lines} by de Gennes and Odjik for $ell_p < D$ and $ell_p gg D$ respectively. Recently new intermediate regimes ({em extended de Gennes} and {em Gauss-de Gennes}) have been investigated by Tree {em et al.} [Phys. Rev. Lett. {bf 110}, 208103 (2013)]. In this letter we derive scaling relations to characterize these transitions in terms of universal scaled fluctuations in $d$-dimension as a function of $L,ell_p$, and $D$, and show that the Gauss-de Gennes regime is absent and extended de Gennes regime is vanishingly small for polymers confined in a 2D strip. We validate our claim by extensive Brownian dynamics (BD) simulation which also reveals that the prefactor $A$ used to describe the chain extension in the Odjik limit is independent of physical dimension $d$ and is the same as previously found by Yang {em et al.}[Y. Yang, T. W. Burkhardt, G. Gompper, Phys. Rev. E {bf 76}, 011804 (2007)]. Our studies are relevant for optical maps of DNA stretched inside a nano-strip.

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