EPECUR setup for the search of narrow baryon resonances in the pion-proton scattering

الملخص بالإنكليزية

EPECUR experimental setup is aimed at the search of narrow resonant states by precision measurement of differential and total reaction cross sections of pion-nucleon interaction with 1 MeV pion energy steps. In five years passed from the idea of the experiment till the start of the data taking in April of 2009, a new apparatus was build from scratch at the universal beam line 322 of ITEP proton synchrotron U-10. The setup is essentially a non-magnetic spectrometer with a liquid hydrogen target based on the large aperture drift chambers with hexagonal structure. The unique properties of the beam line allow individual pion momentum measurement with the accuracy better than 0.1%. The momentum tagging is done with 1 mm pitch proportional chambers located in the first focus of the beam line. The design of numerous subsystems of the setup is based on modern electronic components including microprocessors and FPGA. All the subsystems are tuned and tested both individually and as parts of the whole working setup. The distributed data acquisition system uses widely spread USB and Ethernet protocols, which allows to achieve high performance and take full advantage of the industrial solutions.

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