Cosmic Rays from Heavy Dark Matter from the Galactic Center

الملخص بالإنكليزية

The gamma-ray fluxes observed by the High Energy Stereoscopic System (HESS) from the J1745-290 Galactic Center source is well fitted by the secondary photons coming from Dark Matter (DM) annihilation in particle-antiparticle standard model pairs over a diffuse power-law background. The spectral features of the signal are consistent with different channels: light quarks, electro-weak gauge bosons and top-antitop production. The amount of photons and morphology of the signal localized within a region of few parsecs, require compressed DM profiles as those resulting from baryonic contraction, which offer large enhancements in the signal over DM alone simulations. The fits return a heavy WIMP, with a mass above 10 TeV, but well below the unitarity limit for thermal relic annihilation. The fitted background spectral index is compatible with the Fermi-Large Area Telescope (LAT) data from the same region. This possibility can be potentially tested with the observations of other high energy cosmic rays.

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