The spectrum of the quantum Ising chain can be found by expressing the spins in terms of free fermions. An analogous transformation exists for clock chains with $Z_n$ symmetry, but is of less use because the resulting parafermionic operators remain interacting. Nonetheless, Baxter showed that a certain non-hermitian (but PT-symmetric) clock Hamiltonian is free, in the sense that the entire spectrum is found in terms of independent energy levels, with the striking feature that there are $n$ possibilities for occupying each level. Here I show this directly explicitly finding shift operators obeying a $Z_n$ generalization of the Clifford algebra. I also find higher Hamiltonians that commute with Baxters and prove their spectrum comes from the same set of energy levels. This thus provides an explicit notion of a free parafermion. A byproduct is an elegant method for the solution of the Ising/Kitaev chain with spatially varying couplings.