Sur les extensions intermediaires des syst`emes locaux dHarris-Taylor

الملخص بالإنكليزية

In the geometric situation of some simple unitary Shimura varieties studied by Harris and Taylor, I have built two filtrations of the perverse sheaf of vanishing cycles. The graduate of the first are the $p$-intermediate extension of some local Harris-Taylors local systems, while for the second, obtained by duality, they are the $p+$-intermediate extensions. In this work, we describe the difference between these $p$ and $p+$ intermediate extension. Precisely, we show, in the case where the local system is associated to an irreducible cuspidal representation whose reduction modulo $l$ is supercuspidal, that the two intermediate extensions are the same. Otherwise, if the reduction modulo $l$ is just cuspidal, we describe the $l$-torsion of their difference.

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