Coherence Factors Beyond the BCS Expressions -- A Derivation

الملخص بالإنكليزية

We present a derivation of a previously announced result for matrix elements between exact eigenstates of the pairing Hamiltnonian. Our results, which generalize the well known BCS (Bardeen-Cooper-Schrieffer) expressions for what is known as coherence factors, are derived based on the Slavnov formula for overlaps between Bethe-ansatz states, thus making use of the known connection between the exact diagonalization of the BCS Hamiltonian, due to Richardson, and the algebraic Bethe ansatz. The resulting formula has a compact form after a suitable parameterization of the Energy plane. Although we apply our method here to the pairing Hamiltonian, it may be adjusted to study what is termed the Sutherland limit for exactly solvable models, namely where a macroscopic number of rapidities form a large string.

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