Spherical DG-functors

الملخص بالإنكليزية

For two DG-categories A and B we define the notion of a spherical Morita quasi-functor A -> B. We construct its associated autoequivalences: the twist T of D(B) and the co-twist F of D(A). We give powerful sufficiency criteria for a quasi-functor to be spherical and for the twists associated to a collection of spherical quasi-functors to braid. Using the framework of DG-enhanced triangulated categories, we translate all of the above to Fourier-Mukai transforms between the derived categories of algebraic varieties. This is a broad generalisation of the results on spherical objects in [ST01] and on spherical functors in [Ann07]. In fact, this paper replaces [Ann07], which has a fatal gap in the proof of its main theorem. Though conceptually correct, the proof was impossible to fix within the framework of triangulated categories.

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