On the (non)existence of symplectic resolutions for imprimitive symplectic reflection groups

الملخص بالإنكليزية

We study the existence of symplectic resolutions of quotient singularities V/G where V is a symplectic vector space and G acts symplectically. Namely, we classify the symplectically irreducible and imprimitive groups, excluding those of the form $K rtimes S_2$ where $K < SL_2(C)$, for which the corresponding quotient singularity admits a projective symplectic resolution. As a consequence, for $dim V eq 4$, we classify all quotient singularities $V/G$ admitting a projective symplectic resolution which do not decompose as a product of smaller-dimensional quotient singularities, except for at most four explicit singularities, that occur in dimensions at most 10, for whom the question of existence remains open.

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