Angular Reconstruction of a Lead Scintillating-Fiber Sandwiched Electromagnetic Calorimeter

الملخص بالإنكليزية

A new method called Neighbor Cell Deposited Energy Ratio (NCDER) is proposed to reconstruct incidence position in a single layer for a 3-dimensional imaging electromagnetic calorimeter (ECAL).This method was applied to reconstruct the ECAL test beam data for the Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer-02 (AMS-02). The results show that this method can achieve an angular resolution of 7.36pm 0.08 / sqrt(E) oplus 0.28 pm 0.02 degree in the determination of the photons direction, which is much more precise than that obtained with the commonly-adopted Center of Gravity(COG) method (8.4 pm 0.1 /sqrt(E) oplus 0.8pm0.3 degree). Furthermore, since it uses only the properties of electromagnetic showers, this new method could also be used for other type of fine grain sampling calorimeters.

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