Characterization of the gaseous companion {kappa} Andromedae b: New Keck and LBTI high-contrast observations

الملخص بالإنكليزية

We previously reported the direct detection of a low mass companion at a projected separation of 55+-2 AU around the B9 type star {kappa} Andromedae. The properties of the system (mass ratio, separation) make it a benchmark for the understanding of the formation and evolution of gas giant planets and brown dwarfs on wide-orbits. We present new angular differential imaging (ADI) images of the Kappa Andromedae system at 2.146 (Ks), 3.776 (L), 4.052 (NB 4.05) and 4.78 {mu}m (M) obtained with Keck/NIRC2 and LBTI/LMIRCam, as well as more accurate near-infrared photometry of the star with the MIMIR instrument. We derive a more accurate J = 15.86 +- 0.21, H = 14.95 +- 0.13, Ks = 14.32 +- 0.09 mag for {kappa} And b. We redetect the companion in all our high contrast observations. We confirm previous contrasts obtained at Ks and L band. We derive NB 4.05 = 13.0 +- 0.2 and M = 13.3 +- 0.3 mag and estimate Log10(L/Lsun) = -3.76 +- 0.06. We build the 1-5 microns spectral energy distribution of the companion and compare it to seven PHOENIX-based atmospheric models in order to derive Teff = 1900+100-200 K. Models do not set constrains on the surface gravity. ``Hot-start evolutionary models predict masses of 14+25-2 MJup based on the luminosity and temperature estimates, and considering a conservative age range for the system (30+120-10 Myr). ``warm-start evolutionary tracks constrain the mass to M >= 11 MJup. Therefore, the mass of {kappa} Andromedae b mostly falls in the brown-dwarf regime, due to remaining uncertainties in age and mass-luminosity models. According to the formation models, disk instability in a primordial disk could account for the position and a wide range of plausible masses of {kappa} And b.

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