Tunable non-Gaussian resources for continuous-variable quantum technologies

الملخص بالإنكليزية

We introduce and discuss a set of tunable two-mode states of continuous-variable systems, as well as an efficient scheme for their experimental generation. This novel class of tunable entangled resources is defined by a general ansatz depending on two experimentally adjustable parameters. It is very ample and flexible as it encompasses Gaussian as well as non-Gaussian states. The latter include, among others, known states such as squeezed number states and de-Gaussified photon-added and photon-subtracted squeezed states, the latter being the most efficient non-Gaussian resources currently available in the laboratory. Moreover, it contains the classes of squeezed Bell states and even more general non-Gaussian resources that can be optimized according to the specific quantum technological task that needs to be realized. The proposed experimental scheme exploits linear optical operations and photon detections performed on a pair of uncorrelated two--mode Gaussian squeezed states. The desired non-Gaussian state is then realized via ancillary squeezing and conditioning. Two independent, freely tunable experimental parameters can be exploited to generate different states and to optimize the performance in implementing a given quantum protocol. As a concrete instance, we analyze in detail the performance of different states considered as resources for the realization of quantum teleportation in realistic conditions. For the fidelity of teleportation of an unknown coherent state, we show that the resources associated to the optimized parameters outperform, in a significant range of experimental values, both Gaussian twin beams and photon-subtracted squeezed states.

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