On equivariant homotopy theory for model categories

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We introduce and compare two approaches to equivariant homotopy theory in a topological or ordinary Quillen model category. For the topological model category of spaces, we generalize Piacenzas result that the categories of topological presheaves indexed by the orbit category of a fixed topological group $G$ and the category of $G$-spaces can be endowed with Quillen equivalent model category structures. We prove an analogous result for any cofibrantly generated model category and discrete group $G$, under certain conditions on the fixed point functors of the subgroups of $G$. These conditions hold in many examples, though not in the category of chain complexes, where we nevertheless establish and generalize to collections an equivariant Whitehead Theorem `{a} la Kropholler and Wall for the normalized chain complexes of simplicial $G$-sets.

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