Time Constants of Spin-Dependent Recombination Processes

الملخص بالإنكليزية

We present experiments to systematically study the time constants of spin-dependent recombination processes in semiconductors using pulsed electrically detected magnetic resonance (EDMR). The combination of time-programmed optical excitation and pulsed spin manipulation allows us to directly measure the recombination time constants of electrons via localized spin pairs and the time constant of spin pair formation as a function of the optical excitation intensity. Using electron nuclear double resonance, we show that the time constant of spin pair formation is determined by an electron capture process. Based on these time constants we devise a set of rate equations to calculate the current transient after a resonant microwave pulse and compare the results with experimental data. Finally, we critically discuss the effects of different boxcar integration time intervals typically used to analyze pulsed EDMR experiments on the determination of the time constants. The experiments are performed on phosphorus-doped silicon, where EDMR via spin pairs formed by phosphorus donors and Si/SiO2 interface dangling bond defects is detected.

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