Heterogeneity Involved Network-based Algorithm Leads to Accurate and Personalized Recommendations

الملخص بالإنكليزية

Heterogeneity of both the source and target objects is taken into account in a network-based algorithm for the directional resource transformation between objects. Based on a biased heat conduction recommendation method (BHC) which considers the heterogeneity of the target object, we propose a heterogeneous heat conduction algorithm (HHC), by further taking the source object degree as the weight of diffusion. Tested on three real datasets, the Netflix, RYM and MovieLens, the HHC algorithm is found to present a better recommendation in both the accuracy and personalization than two excellent algorithms, i.e., the original BHC and a hybrid algorithm of heat conduction and mass diffusion (HHM), while not requiring any other accessorial information or parameter. Moreover, the HHC even elevates the recommendation accuracy on cold objects, referring to the so-called cold start problem, for effectively relieving the recommendation bias on objects with different level of popularity.

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