Cluster Probes of Dark Energy Clustering

الملخص بالإنكليزية

Cluster abundances are oddly insensitive to canonical early dark energy. Early dark energy with sound speed equal to the speed of light cannot be distinguished from a quintessence model with the equivalent expansion history for $z<2$ but negligible early dark energy density, despite the different early growth rate. However, cold early dark energy, with a sound speed much smaller than the speed of light, can give a detectable signature. Combining cluster abundances with cosmic microwave background power spectra can determine the early dark energy fraction to 0.3 % and distinguish a true sound speed of 0.1 from 1 at 99 % confidence. We project constraints on early dark energy from the Euclid cluster survey, as well as the Dark Energy Survey, using both current and projected Planck CMB data, and assess the impact of cluster mass systematics. We also quantify the importance of dark energy perturbations, and the role of sound speed during a crossing of $w=-1$.

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