The supernova/gamma-ray burst/jet connection

الملخص بالإنكليزية

The observed association between supernovae and gamma-ray bursts represents a cornerstone in our understanding of the nature of gamma-ray bursts. The collapsar model provides a theoretical framework for this connection. A key element is the launch of a bi-polar jet (seen as a gamma-ray burst). The resulting hot cocoon disrupts the star while the 56Ni produced gives rise to radioactive heating of the ejecta, seen as a supernova. In this discussion paper I summarise the observational status of the supernova/gamma-ray burst connection in the context of the engine picture of jet-driven supernovae and highlight SN 2012bz/GRB 120422A -- with its luminous supernova but intermediate high-energy luminosity -- as a possible transition object between low-luminosity and jet gamma-ray bursts. The jet channel for supernova explosions may provide new insight into supernova explosions in general.

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