Role of current quark mass dependent multi-quark interactions in low lying meson mass spectra

الملخص بالإنكليزية

We call attention to a class of current-quark mass dependent multi-quark interaction terms which break explicitly the chiral $SU(3)_Ltimes SU(3)_R$ and $U_A(1)$ symmetries. They complete the set of effective quark interactions that contribute at the same order in $N_c$ as the t Hooft flavor determinant interaction and the eight quark interactions in the phase of spontaneously broken chiral symmetry. The $N_c$ classification scheme matches the counting rules based on arguments set by the scale of spontaneous chiral symmetry breaking. Together with the leading in $N_c$ four quark Nambu-Jona-Lasinio Lagrangian and current quark mass matrix, the model is apt to account for the correct empirical ordering and magnitude of the splitting of states in the low lying mass spectra of spin zero mesons. The new terms turn out to be essential for the ordering $m_K < m_eta$ in the pseudoscalar sector and $m_{kappa_0} < m_{a_0}sim m_{f0}$ for the scalars.

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