Strain mediated suppression of the metal-insulator transition in EuNiO3 thin films

الملخص بالإنكليزية

Ultrathin epitaxial films of EuNiO3 were grown on a series of substrates traversing highly compressive (- 2.4%) to highly tensile (2.5%) lattice mismatch. X-ray diffraction measurements showed the expected c-lattice parameter shift for compressive strain, but no detectable shift for tensilely strained substrates, while reciprocal space mapping confirmed the tensile strained film maintained epitaxial coherence. Transport measurements showed a successively (from tensile to compressive) lower resistance and a complete suppression of the metalinsulator transition at highly compressive lattice mismatch. Corroborating these findings, X-ray absorption spectroscopy measurements revealed a strong multiplet splitting in the tensile samples that progressively weakens with increasing compressive strain that, combined with cluster calculations, showed enhanced covalence between Ni-d and O-p orbitals leads to the metallic state.

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