The Development of Single Star Scidar for Tibet and Dome A

الملخص بالإنكليزية

A Single Star Scidar system(SSS) has been developed for remotely sensing atmospheric turbulence profiles. The SSS consists of computing the spatial auto/cross-correlation functions of short exposure images of the scintillation patterns produced by a single star, and provides the vertical profiles of optical turbulence intensity C2n(h) and wind speed V(h). The SSS needs only a 40 cm aperture telescope, so that can be portable and equipped easily to field candidate sites. Some experiments for the SSS have been made in Beijing last year, successfully retrieving atmospheric turbulence and wind profiles from the ground to 30 km. The SSS observations has recently been made at the Xinglong station of NAOC, characterizing atmospheric parameters at this station. We plan to automatize SSS instrument and run remote observation via internet; a more friendly auto-SSS system will be set up and make use at the candidate sites in Tibet and Dome A.

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