Dynamic monopolies in directed graphs: the spread of unilateral influence in social networks

الملخص بالإنكليزية

Let $G$ be a directed graph such that the in-degree of any vertex $G$ is at least one. Let also ${mathcal{tau}}: V(G)rightarrow Bbb{N}$ be an assignment of thresholds to the vertices of $G$. A subset $M$ of vertices of $G$ is called a dynamic monopoly for $(G,tau)$ if the vertex set of $G$ can be partitioned into $D_0cup... cup D_t$ such that $D_0=M$ and for any $igeq 1$ and any $vin D_i$, the number of edges from $D_0cup... cup D_{i-1}$ to $v$ is at least $tau(v)$. One of the most applicable and widely studied threshold assignments in directed graphs is strict majority threshold assignment in which for any vertex $v$, $tau(v)=lceil (deg^{in}(v)+1)/2 rceil$, where $deg^{in}(v)$ stands for the in-degree of $v$. By a strict majority dynamic monopoly of a graph $G$ we mean any dynamic monopoly of $G$ with strict majority threshold assignment for the vertices of $G$. In this paper we first discuss some basic upper and lower bounds for the size of dynamic monopolies with general threshold assignments and then obtain some hardness complexity results concerning the smallest size of dynamic monopolies in directed graphs. Next we show that any directed graph on $n$ vertices and with positive minimum in-degree admits a strict majority dynamic monopoly with $n/2$ vertices. We show that this bound is achieved by a polynomial time algorithm. This upper bound improves greatly the best known result. The final note of the paper deals with the possibility of the improvement of the latter $n/2$ bound.

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