Observation of finite excess noise in the voltage-biased quantum Hall regime as a precursor for breakdown

الملخص بالإنكليزية

We performed noise measurements in a two-dimensional electron gas to investigate the nonequilibrium quantum Hall effect (QHE) state. While excess noise is perfectly suppressed around the zero-biased QHE state reflecting the dissipationless electron transport of the QHE state, considerable finite excess noise is observed in the breakdown regime of the QHE. The noise temperature deduced from the excess noise is found to be of the same order as the energy gap between the highest occupied Landau level and the lowest empty one. Moreover, unexpected finite excess noise is observed at a finite source-drain bias voltagesmaller than the onset voltage of the QHE breakdown, which indicates finite dissipation in the QHE state and may be related to the prebreakdown of the QHE.

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