Geometric Whittaker models and Eisenstein series for Mp_2

الملخص بالإنكليزية

Let X be a smooth projective curve over an algebraically closed field of characteristic >2. Let Bun_{Mp_2} be the stack of metaplectic bundles on X of rank 2. In this paper we study the derived category of genuine l-adic sheaves on Bun_{Mp_2} in the framework of the quantum geometric Langlands. We describe the corresponding Whittaker category, develop the theory of geometric Eisenstein series and calculate the most non-degenerate Fourier coefficients of these Eisenstein series. The existing constructions of automorphic sheaves for GL_n are based on using Whittaker sheaves. Our calculations lead to a conjectural characterization of the Whittaker sheaf for Mp_2, though its existence is not clear. We also formulate a conjectural relation between the quantum Langlands functors and the theta-lifting functors for the dual pair (Mp_2, PGL_2).

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