Blackbody radiation shift of B$^+$ clock transition

الملخص بالإنكليزية

A calculation of the blackbody radiation shift of the B$^+$ clock transition is performed. The polarizabilities of the B$^+$ $2s^2$ $^1$S$^e$, $2s2p$ $^1$P$^o$, and $2s2p$ $^3$P$^o$ states are computed using the configuration interaction method with an underlying semi-empirical core potential. The recommended dipole polarizabilities are 9.64(3) $a_0^3$, 7.78(3) $a_0^3$ and 16.55(5) $a_0^3$ respectively. The derived frequency shift for the $2s^2$ $^1$S$^e$ $to$ $2s2p$ $^3$P$^o_0$ transition at 300 K is 0.0160(5) Hz. The dipole polarizabilities agree with an earlier relativistic calculation (Safronova {em et al.} Phys. Rev. Lett. {bf 107} 143006 (2011)) to better than 0.2%. Quadrupole and octupole polarizabilities and non-adiabatic multipole polarizabilities are also reported.

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