We present new Herschel/PACS images at 70, 100, and 160 micron of the well-known, nearby, carbon-rich asymptotic giant branch star IRC+10216 revealing multiple dust shells in its circumstellar envelope. For the first time, dust shells (or arcs) are detected until 320 arcsec. The almost spherical shells are non-concentric and have an angular extent between 40 deg and 200 deg. The shells have a typical width of 5 arcsec - 8 arcsec, and the shell separation varies in the range of 10 arcsec - 35 arcsec, corresponding to 500-1700 yr. Local density variations within one arc are visible. The shell/intershell density contrast is typically 4, and the arcs contain some 50% more dust mass than the smooth envelope. The observed (nested) arcs record the mass-loss history over the past 16 000 yr, but Rayleigh-Taylor and Kelvin-Helmholtz instabilities in the turbulent astropause and astrosheath will erase any signature of the mass-loss history for at least the first 200 000 yr of mass loss. Accounting for the bowshock structure, the envelope mass around IRC+10216 contains >2Msun of gas and dust mass. It is argued that the origin of the shells is related to non-isotropic mass-loss events and clumpy dust formation.
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