La fonte algebrique des Methodes nouvelles de la mecanique celeste dHenri Poincare

الملخص بالإنكليزية

Poincares approach to the three body problem has often been celebrated as a starting point of chaos theory in relation to the investigation of dynamical systems. Yet, Poincares strategy can also be analyzed as molded on - or casted in - some specific algebraic practices for manipulating systems of linear equations. These practices shed new light on both the novelty and the collective dimensions of Poincares Methodes nouvelles. As the structure of a cast-iron building may be less noticeable than its creative fac{c}ade, the algebraic cast of Poincares strategy is broken out of the mold in generating the novel methods of celestial mechanics. But as the various components that are mixed in some casting process can still be detected in the resulting alloy, the algebraic cast of the Methodes nouvelles points to some collective dimensions of Poincares methods. An edited version of the present preprint is to be published in the journal textit{Lastronomie} under the title Lapproche de Poincar`E sur le problEme des trois corps. This publication is an abstract in French language of a forthcoming paper - The algebraic cast of Poincar`Es textit{M`Ethodes nouvelles} - which will develop its main claims as well as the historiographical and mathematical issues raised in section 4 and section 5.

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