Existence of nodal solutions for Dirac equations with singular nonlinearities

الملخص بالإنكليزية

We prove, by a shooting method, the existence of infinitely many solutions of the form $psi(x^0,x) = e^{-iOmega x^0}chi(x)$ of the nonlinear Dirac equation {equation*} iunderset{mu=0}{overset{3}{sum}} gamma^mu partial_mu psi- mpsi - F(bar{psi}psi)psi = 0 {equation*} where $Omega>m>0,$ $chi$ is compactly supported and [F(x) = {{array}{ll} p|x|^{p-1} & text{if} |x|>0 0 & text{if} x=0 {array}.] with $pin(0,1),$ under some restrictions on the parameters $p$ and $Omega.$ We study also the behavior of the solutions as $p$ tends to zero to establish the link between these equations and the M.I.T. bag model ones.

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