A Provisional Study of ADS Within Turkic Accelerator Complex Project

الملخص بالإنكليزية

The Turkic Accelerator Complex (TAC) project has been developed with the support of the Turkish State Planning Organization by the collaboration of 10 Turkish universities. The complex is planned to have four main facilities, namely: SASE FEL Facility Based on 1 GeV Electron Linac, Third Generation Synchrotron Radiation Facility (SR) Based on 3.56 GeV Positron Synchrotron, Super-Charm Factory ($sqrt{s} = 3.77$ GeV) by colliding the electron beam coming from the linac with an energy of 1 GeV and positron beam coming through the positron ring with an energy of 3.56 GeV, GeV scale proton accelerator. Later has two-fold goal: Neutron Spallation Source (NSS) and ADS. The proton accelerator construction will have 3 MeV, 100 MeV, and 1 GeV phases. The technical design report is planned to be finished in 2013. Since Turkey has essential Thorium reserves the ADS becomes very attractive for our country as emerging energy technology.

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