Higher Hochschild cohomology, Brane topology and centralizers of $E_n$-algebra maps

الملخص بالإنكليزية

We use factorization homology and higher Hochschild (co)chains to study various problems in algebraic topology and homotopical algebra, notably brane topology, centralizers of $E_n$-algebras maps and iterated bar constructions. In particular, we obtain an $E_{n+1}$-algebra model on the shifted integral chains of the mapping space of the n-sphere into an orientable closed manifold $M$. We construct and use $E_infty$-Poincare duality to identify higher Hochschild cochains, modeled over the $n$-sphere, with the chains on the above mapping space, and then relate Hochschild cochains to the deformation complex of the $E_infty$-algebra $C^*(M)$, thought of as an $E_n$-algebra. We invoke (and prove) the higher Deligne conjecture to furnish $E_n$-Hochschild cohomology, and all that is naturally equivalent to it, with an $E_{n+1}$-algebra structure. We prove that this construction recovers the sphere product. In fact, our approach to the Deligne conjecture is based on an explicit description of the $E_n$-centralizers of a map of $E_infty$-algebras $f:Ato B$ by relating it to the algebraic structure on Hochschild cochains modeled over spheres, which is of independent interest and explicit. More generally, we give a factorization algebra model/description of the centralizer of any $E_n$-algebra map and a solution of Deligne conjecture. We also apply similar ideas to the iterated bar construction. We obtain factorization algebra models for (iterated) bar construction of augmented $E_m$-algebras together with their $E_n$-coalgebras and $E_{m-n}$-algebra structures, and discuss some of its features. For $E_infty$-algebras we obtain a higher Hochschild chain model, which is an $E_n$-coalgebra. In particular, considering an n-connected topological space $Y$, we obtain a higher Hochschild cochain model of the natural $E_n$-algebra structure of the chains of the iterated loop space of $Y$.

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