New parton distributions in fixed flavour factorization scheme from recent deep-inelastic-scattering data

الملخص بالإنكليزية

We present our QCD analysis of the proton structure function $F_2^p(x,Q^2)$ to determine the parton distributions at the next-to-leading order (NLO). The heavy quark contributions to $F_2^i(x,Q^2)$, with $i$ = $c$, $b$ have been included in the framework of the `fixed flavour number scheme (FFNS). The results obtained in the FFNS are compared with available results such as the general-mass variable-flavour-number scheme (GM-VFNS) and other prescriptions used in global fits of PDFs. In the present QCD analysis, we use a wide range of the inclusive neutral-current deep-inelastic-scattering (NC DIS) data, including the most recent data for charm $F_2^c$, bottom $F_2^b$, longitudinal $F_L$ structure functions and also the reduced DIS cross sections $sigma_{r,NC}^pm$ from HERA experiments. The most recent HERMES data for proton and deuteron structure functions are also added. We take into account ZEUS neutral current $e^ pm p$ DIS inclusive jet cross section data from HERA together with the recent Tevatron Run-II inclusive jet cross section data from CDF and D{O}. The impact of these recent DIS data on the PDFs extracted from the global fits are studied. We present two families of PDFs, {tt KKT12} and {tt KKT12C}, without and with HERA `combined data sets on $e^{pm}p$ DIS. We find these are in good agreement with the available theoretical models.

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