Reply to Comment on High-field studies of superconducting fluctuations in high-Tc cuprates: Evidence for a small gap distinct from the large pseudogap by M.V. Ramallo et al

الملخص بالإنكليزية

The experimental investigations done in our paper Phys.Rev.B84,014522(2011) allowed us to establish that the superconducting fluctuations (SCF) always die out sharply with increasing T. But contrary to the claim done in the comment of Ramallo et al., this sharp cutoff of SCF measured in YBa2Cu3O{6+x} depends on hole doping and/or disorder. So our data cannot be used to claim for a universality of the extended gaussian Ginzburg Landau theory proposed by the authors of the comment. Furthermore, to explain quantitatively our data near optimal doping using this model they need to consider that fluctuations in the two CuO2 planes of a bilayer are totally decoupled, which is not physically well justified. On the contrary a consistent interpretation of all our data (paraconductivity, Nernst effect and magnetoresistance) has been done by considering that the coupling between the two layers of the unit cell is dominant at least up to 1.1Tc.

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