Remarks on Hilbert identities, isometric embeddings, and invariant cubature

الملخص بالإنكليزية

Victoir (2004) developed a method to construct cubature formulae with various combinatorial objects. Motivated by this, we generalize Victoirs method with one more combinatorial object, called regular t-wise balanced designs. Many cubature of small indices with few points are provided, which are used to update Shatalovs table (2001) of isometric embeddings in small-dimensional Banach spaces, as well as to improve some classical Hilbert identities. A famous theorem of Bajnok (2007) on Euclidean designs invariant under the Weyl group of Lie type B is extended to all finite irreducible reflection groups. A short proof of the Bajnok theorem is presented in terms of Hilbert identities.

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