One-loop renormalization group study of boson-fermion mixtures

الملخص بالإنكليزية

A weakly interacting boson-fermion mixture model was investigated using Wisonian renormalization group analysis. This model includes one boson-boson interaction term and one boson-fermion interaction term. The scaling dimensions of the two interaction coupling constants were calculated as 2-D at tree level and the Gell-Mann-Low equations were derived at one-loop level. We find that in the Gell-Mann-Low equations the contributions from the fermion loops go to zero as the length scale approaches infinity. After ignoring the fermion loop contributions two fixed points were found in 3 dimensional case. One is the Gaussian fixed point and the other one is Wilson-Fisher fixed point. We find that the boson-fermion interaction decouples at the Wilson-Fisher fixed point. We also observe that under RG transformation the boson-fermion interaction coupling constant runs to negative infinity with a small negative initial value, which indicates a boson-fermion pairing instability. Furthermore, the possibility of emergent supersymmetry in this model was discussed.

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