The neutrino mixing matrix could (almost) be diagonal with entries {pm}1

الملخص بالإنكليزية

It is consistent with the measurement of theta_13 ~ 0.15 by Daya Bay to suppose that, in addition to being unitary, the neutrino mixing matrix is also almost hermitian, and thereby only a small perturbation from diag(+1,-1,-1) in a suitable basis. We suggest this possibility simply as an easily falsifiable ansatz that has not already been studied, as well as to offer a potentially useful means of organizing the experimental data. We explore the phenomenological implications of this ansatz and parametrize one type of deviation from the leading order relation |V_e3| approx |V_tau 1|. We also emphasize the group-invariant angle between orthogonal matrices as a means of comparing to data. The discussion is purely phenomenological, without any attempt to derive the condition V{dag} approx V from a fundamental theory.

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