High spin band structures in doubly-odd $^{194}$Tl

الملخص بالإنكليزية

The high-spin states in odd-odd $^{194}$Tl nucleus have been studied by populating them using the $^{185,187}$Re($^{13}$C, xn) reactions at 75 MeV of beam energy. $gamma-gamma$ coincidence measurement has been performed using the INGA array with a digital data acquisition system to record the time stamped data. Definite spin-parity assignment of the levels was made from the DCO ratio and the IPDCO ratio measurements. The level scheme of $^{194}$Tl has been extended up to 4.1 MeV in excitation energy including 19 new gamma ray transitions. The $pi h_{9/2} otimes u i_{13/2}$ band, in the neighboring odd-odd Tl isotopes show very similar properties in both experimental observables and calculated shapes. Two new band structures, with 6-quasiparticle configuration, have been observed for the first time in $^{194}$Tl. One of these bands has the characteristics of a magnetic rotational band. The cranked shell model calculations, using a deformed Woods-Saxon potential, have been performed to obtain the total Routhian surfaces in order to study the shapes of the bands and the band crossing in $^{194}$Tl. The semiclassical formalism has been used to describe the magnetic rotational band.

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