Application of random phase approximation to vibrational excitations of double-$Lambda$ hypernuclei

الملخص بالإنكليزية

Using the Hartree-Fock plus random-phase-approximation (HF+RPA), we study the impurity effect of $Lambda$ hyperon on the collective vibrational excitations of double-$Lambda$ hypernuclei. To this end, we employ a Skyrme-type $Lambda N$ and $LambdaLambda$ interactions for the HF calculations, and the residual interactions for RPA derived with the same interactions. We find that inclusion of two $Lambda$ hyperons in $^{16}$O shifts the energy of the collective states towards higher energies. In particular, the energy of the giant monopole resonance of $^{,,18}_{LambdaLambda}$O, as well as that of $^{210}_{LambdaLambda}$Pb, becomes larger. This implies that the effective incompressibility modulus increases due to the impurity effect of $Lambda$ particle, if the $beta$-stability condition is not imposed.

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