Suppression of turbulence and subcritical fluctuations in differentially rotating gyrokinetic plasmas

الملخص بالإنكليزية

Differential rotation is known to suppress linear instabilities in fusion plasmas. However, even in the absence of growing eigenmodes, subcritical fluctuations that grow transiently can lead to sustained turbulence. Here transient growth of electrostatic fluctuations driven by the parallel velocity gradient (PVG) and the ion temperature gradient (ITG) in the presence of a perpendicular ExB velocity shear is considered. The maximally simplified case of zero magnetic shear is treated in the framework of a local shearing box. There are no linearly growing eigenmodes, so all excitations are transient. The maximal amplification factor of initial perturbations and the corresponding wavenumbers are calculated as functions of q/epsilon (=safety factor/aspect ratio), temperature gradient and velocity shear. Analytical results are corroborated and supplemented by linear gyrokinetic numerical tests. For sufficiently low values of q/epsilon (<7 in our model), regimes with fully suppressed ion-scale turbulence are possible. For cases when turbulence is not suppressed, an elementary heuristic theory of subcritical PVG turbulence leading to a scaling of the associated ion heat flux with q, epsilon, velocity shear and temperature gradient is proposed; it is argued that the transport is much less stiff than in the ITG regime.

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