X-ray evidence for the accretion disc-outflow connection in 3C 111

الملخص بالإنكليزية

We present the spectral analysis of three Suzaku XIS observations of 3C 111 requested to monitor the predicted variability of its ultra-fast outflow on ~7 days time-scales. We detect an ionized iron emission line in the first observation and a blue-shifted absorption line in the second, when the flux is ~30% higher. The location of the material is constrained at <0.006pc from the variability. Detailed modelling support an identification with ionized reflection off the accretion disc at ~20-100r_g from the black hole and a highly ionized and massive ultra-fast outflow with velocity ~0.1c, respectively. The outflow is most probably accelerated by radiation pressure, but additional magnetic thrust can not be excluded. The measured high outflow rate and mechanical energy support the claims that disc outflows may have a significant feedback role. This work provides the first direct evidence for an accretion disc-outflow connection in a radio-loud AGN, possibly linked also to the jet activity.

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