A Prototype Detector for Directional Measurement of the Cosmogenic Neutron Flux

الملخص بالإنكليزية

This paper describes a novel directional neutron detector prototype. The low pressure time projection chamber uses a mix of helium and CF4 gases. The detector reconstructs the energy and angular distribution of fast neutron recoils. This paper reports results of energy calibration using an alpha source and angular reconstruction studies using a collimated neutron source. The best performance is obtained with a 12.5% CF4 gas mixture. At low energies the target for fast neutrons transitions is primarily helium, while at higher energies, the fluorine contributes as a target. The reconstruction efficiency is both energy and target dependent. For neutrons with energies less than 20 MeV, the reconstruction efficiency is ~40% for fluorine recoils and ~60% for helium recoils.

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