Transient Relativistic Ejections and Stationary Core in XTE J1752-223

الملخص بالإنكليزية

The Galactic X-ray transient XTE J1752-223 was shown to have properties of black hole binary candidates. As reported in our previous paper, we identified transient and decelerating ejecta in multi-epoch Very Long Baseline Interferometry (VLBI) observations with the European VLBI Network (EVN) and the NRAO Very Long Baseline Array (VLBA). Here we present new EVN and VLBA data in which a new transient ejection event and later a stationary component are identified. The latter is interpreted as a reappearance of the radio core/compact jet during the transition from soft to hard X-ray state. This component appears to be highly variable in brightness although effects of tropospheric instabilities might play a role too. We also re-analyze the earlier VLBI data and find that the transient ejecta closer to the core position has significantly higher proper motion, further strengthening the case for strongly decelerating ejecta on the scale of several hundred milli-arcsecond, never observed in X-ray binaries before. Although the distance of the source is not well constrained, it is clear that these ejectas are at least mildly relativistic at the early stages. Moreover, we show the large scale environment of the transient from the Westerbork synthesis array data recorded in parallel during the EVN run.

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