On Bounding Problems on Totally Ordered Commutative Semi-Groups

الملخص بالإنكليزية

The following is shown : Let $S={a_1,a_2,..,a_{2n}}$ be a subset of a totally ordered commutative semi-group $(G,*,leq)$ with $a_1leq a_2leq...leq a_{2n}$. Provided that a system of $n$ $a_{i_k} * a_{j_k} (a_{i_k}, a_{j_k} in G ; 1 leq k leq n)$, where all $2n$ elements in $S$ must be used, are less than an element $N (in G)$, then $a_1*a_{2n}, a_2*a_{2n-1},..., a_n*a_{n+1}$ are all less than $N$. This may be called the Upper Bounding Case. Moreover in the same way, we shall treat also the Lower Bounding Case.

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