Finite-size effects in pion condensation phenomena of dense baryonic matter in the NJL$_2$ model

الملخص بالإنكليزية

The properties of two-flavored massless Nambu-Jona-Lasinio model in (1+1)-dimensional $R^1times S^1$ spacetime with compactified space coordinate are investigated in the presence of isospin and quark number chemical potentials $mu_I$, $mu$. The consideration is performed in the large $N_c$ limit, where $N_c$ is the number of colored quarks. It is shown that at $L=infty$ ($L$ is the length of the circumference $S^1$) the pion condensation (PC) phase with {it zero quark number density} is realized at arbitrary nonzero $mu_I$ and for rather small values of $mu$. However, at arbitrary finite values of $L$ the phase portrait of the model contains the PC phase with {it nonzero quark number density} (in the case of periodic boundary conditions for quark fields). Hence, finite sizes of the system can serve as a factor promoting the appearance of the PC phase in quark matter with nonzero baryon densities. In contrast, the phase with chiral symmetry breaking may exist only at rather large values of $L$.

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