Control of ferroelectric polarization via uniaxial pressure in the spin-lattice-coupled multiferroic CuFe1-xGaxO2

الملخص بالإنكليزية

We have demonstrated that ferroelectric polarization in a spin-driven multiferroic CuFe1-xGaxO2 with x = 0.035 can be controlled by the application of uniaxial pressure. Our neutron diffraction and in-situ ferroelectric polarization measurements have revealed that the pressure dependence of the ferroelectric polarization is explained by repopulation of three types of magnetic domains originating from the trigonal symmetry of the crystal. We conclude that the spin-driven anisotropic lattice distortion and the fixed relationship between the directions of the magnetic modulation wave vector and the ferroelectric polarization are the keys to this spin-mediated piezoelectric effect.

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