Stacking-Dependent Band Gap and Quantum Transport in Trilayer Graphene

الملخص بالإنكليزية

In a multi-layer electronic system, stacking order provides a rarely-explored degree of freedom for tuning its electronic properties. Here we demonstrate the dramatically different transport properties in trilayer graphene (TLG) with different stacking orders. At the Dirac point, ABA-stacked TLG remains metallic while the ABC counterpart becomes insulating. The latter exhibits a gap-like dI/dV characteristics at low temperature and thermally activated conduction at higher temperatures, indicating an intrinsic gap ~6 meV. In magnetic fields, in addition to an insulating state at filling factor { u}=0, ABC TLG exhibits quantum Hall plateaus at { u}=-30, pm 18, pm 9, each of which splits into 3 branches at higher fields. Such splittings are signatures of the Lifshitz transition induced by trigonal warping, found only in ABC TLG, and in semi-quantitative agreement with theory. Our results underscore the rich interaction-induced phenomena in trilayer graphene with different stacking orders, and its potential towards electronic applications.

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